About Us
E-Free 5/6 is the "tween" ministry of E-Free Church of Bloomington Normal! We made this website during the first lockdown and have maintained ever since! Whether your looking for Sunday Lessons, Devotionals, or just some fun stuff we got all of that and more!
"My dear friends, flee form the worship of idols. You are reasonable people. Decide for yourselves if what I am saying is true" (1 Corinthians 10:14-15)
DO IT! |
Today just flip open your Bible somewhere in the New Testament and point your finger somewhere on the page. Read the verse (and other verses around it), then ask Jesus what you can take from it. Then text a friend, offering the same "takeaway" to him or her.
"Jesus, thanks for never walking away from me, especially when I feel like I'm all alone."
Did you know that even Jesus faced temptations when he was here on earth? But he fought back using Scripture. Think about something you're struggling with right now, then search for a word that represents that struggle in your Bible's concordance.
Our culture tells us to worship fame, fortune, celebrity, power, and possessions. Find something in the shape of a cross, and carry it with you today as a reminder to worship Jesus instead.