For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12 There's probably times when you wonder why should I read my Bible? Why does it matter? Its easy to treat God's word like it's some positive thoughts for the day, so you read it quick right before bed or on your way out of the house in the morning. And you do get some good things out of it. But you realize that by the time your 10:30 AM math class starts, you kind have already forgotten what you read in the morning and now you're concerned whether one of the girls in history class is spreading rumors about you. The truth about the bible is that is applies to every part of our lives. It's not only some encouragement for the morning, but it applies to your friendships, your math class, and your relationships with other people. The bible isn't an ordinary book. It's a book that's there to help you understand the things you face. It explains why you're here and every issue that you face. But to experience it's power, you have to believe it and get it into your heart. That takes work sometimes, but it's worth it. So today, realize that the Bible applies to everything you face. Spend time getting it into your heart and into your life.
I bet you didn't get up this morning thinking, I'm not going to learn anything today. Learning just doesn't happen as you experience the world around from day to day. Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7 The interesting thing is that all knowledge, all learning really starts with God at the center. Knowing God is true knowledge. When you know God, the lessons you learn in math make more sense because you realize that the God who created those patterns is logical and orderly. As you study music in your music class, you realize that the wonderful sounds all stem from a wonderful God who creates beautiful things to enjoy. When you know God and love Him, it helps you learn and enjoy the world around you more. So if you haven't before, start your day at school today thankful for a God who created you with the ability to learn. Thank God for the opportunity to learn more about the world He created and determine to grow in His wisdom and knowledge today. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Colossians 3:15 Have you noticed how easy it is to lose your peace? You might have an upcoming test and you let worry in your life. You feel afraid that you wont get the grade you need and it makes you want to quit. It might feel like all the pressures of life are coming at you and you may feel like you’ve lost your peace. The good news is that we can experience peace even when it seems like everything around us is going wrong. It’s not that we are ignoring bad circumstances, but rather, we can have peace because of who we know. We know Jesus and that relationship allows us to live life at peace. Even when life gets out of control, Jesus is your peace. When those thoughts of worry about a test come, you have to choose to believe what the Bible says and focus your thoughts on Jesus. In Jesus, there is no need for us to fear. You have been made right in God’s sight and that righteousness lets you live a life that is free from fear, stress, and failure. You’ve just got to choose to not allow your thoughts of worry and fear grow. So today, choose to guard your thoughts. Choose to set your thoughts on Jesus and experience His peace even in the middle of difficult circumstances. Jesus will see you through. Don't you realize that your body it the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself. 1 Corinthians 6:19 I remember one week at youth group, I heard one student say some swear words. Then, I heard his friend tell him to watch his language. He told the other teen he needed to watch his language because they were in church.
I found the encounter interesting that they wanted their behavior to be different since they were in church. They knew to behave a certain way at church, but totally that they had the Holy Spirit living inside them. That means that even more than watching what we say and do at church, we should be saying and doing things with our bodies that bring God glory. This verse tells us that we no longer belong to ourselves. We should be aware of the awesome fact that we have the gift of God's presence on the inside of us. This knowledge should inspire us to behave in ways that make Jesus shine through to others, not just at church but everyday. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 The Bible isn't just an ordinary book. It's easy to tell that by simply reading it. When you read the Bible, you realize that it speaks to you in a way that no other book can.
The Bible claims to be truth, but also that it will stand the test of time. The Bible has remained for years and continues to speak and apply to our lives. So if you haven't, spend time reading the Bible. Get to know the God of the Bible who wants a deep and satisfying relationship with you. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17 Where do you find the foundations for your faith? Is it in a church leader? A word of prophecy? A cute social media graphic?
If we're honest, we can sometimes realize that we've put our faith in a person friend, prophecy, and not into the word of God. When we put our faith in whether a Christian treats us right, and allow that to be the basis of whether we believe or not, we've placed our faith in the wrong thing. Our faith and the foundation for our faith should be only in the Bible. Christians sometimes mess up, make mistakes, and do horrible things. Do we allow our experiences with others to determine whether our faith is real? Many of us do, and so we falter in our faith because our faith is based in a person rather than in the word of God. God's word is truth. The Bible declares time and time again that it is the truth. And the Bible is the way that God speaks mainly to us. So rather than basing your faith in a person, prophecy or event, determine to place your faith in the true unchanging word of God. But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a complete and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3 Knowing Jesus is easy. It isn't hard or complicated. However, it's easy to let the tings of the world keep your heart from following Jesus fully.
If you turn on the TV, you can get distracted with shows that cause you to doubt God's word. If you go on social media, you quickly see friends and family posting things that let your heart become troubled and steer you quickly away from the truth found in the Bible. Today, it's easier than ever before to let our minds become far from Christ. As the devil did with Eve in the garden, he caused Eve to question God's word. TODAY'S TRUTH: DON'T QUESTION GOD'S WORD The attack on God's word is great in the world around us. In the music we listen to, the shows we watch, it takes a lot to keep our hearts and minds on Jesus. Today, if you've allowed your heart to stray from Jesus and the truth in God's word, determine to make adjustments. You might have to turnoff the TV for a few weeks to spend time reading your Bible. But it's worth it. God wants to have a rich and rewarding relationship with you. So dig in, find the truth in the Bible and see how God can bless you trough relationship with him The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statues of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. - Psalm 19:7 It can be easy to doubt the word of God. Especially in today's world. TV shows portray Christianity many times as being oppressive and it seems like when a character breaks free from their Christian views, all rejoice and celebrate with them. When watching TV, music, and reading many of today's books, we need to realize that they are ultimately trying to get us to doubt the truth found in the Bible.
If they can cause you to doubt that God's word is true, then you will walk away from your Christian faith much easier. The Bible is a special book. When you read it, you can tell it's different than other books. The words contained within can challenge you, inspire you, and cause you to know and love God in a deeper way. That's why the devil tries so hard to stop Christians from reading the Bible and trusting its authority. When we begin to doubt the word of God, we waiver in our faith. The word of God is perfect, it is truth, and trustworthy. So today, challenge yourself to spend time in God's word. Trust that it is God speaking to you. Read it, and let it confirm to your heart that it is truth. All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal. Psalm 119:160 In life, there are lots of things that can cause us to questions whether God's word is true. Perhaps you knew a church leader that did something wrong and you began to doubt God because of it. It can be really easy to let circumstances, unanswered prayer, or people cause you to doubt God.
Here's the truth: God's word is true from the beginning. From the first book to the last the Bible is true. However, when people that you look up to make mistakes, especially when those people are believers, it can cause you to waiver in your faith. The problem is, people are human. They have a sinful nature, and just like you, they don't always obey all of God's word. Sometimes people will make mistakes, sometimes they won't treat you right, but their treatment doesn't make God's word any less true. TODAY'S TRUTH: GOD'S WORD IS TRUE So today, if you've based your faith on circumstances, people's experiences, or anything else except for God's word, adjust your focus. Realize that God's word is truth. Regardless of people, regardless of circumstances, God's word is true. So don't let people or experiences keep you from having a deep faith, rooted in the truths found in the Bible. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. -John 17:3 Today's Bible verse tells us an awesome truth about eternal life. It shows us that we can know the only true God and we can know Jesus Christ who he sent.
How great is that? What other religion can say that you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God? One of the best things about eternal life is that you get to know God. With Jesus, you don't just get to hear about the things that he has done. Instead, you actually get to know God. God wants to know you and be known by you! God wants a personal relationship with you! He wants to talk to you and listen to you. It's such great news to know that we have a God who is relational. He wants to know you and to be known by you! Today, spend some time talking to God. Challenge yourself to get to know Him a little better. |
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